In college, one of my favorite classes was called Leisure Studies. That’s not a joke. My parents paid good money for me to take a class on the study of leisure. For me, this class was life changing. It taught me the significance of setting intention behind my down time; appreciating the mental and physical benefits of quiet, exercise, taking in nature, laughing with friends, and playing games.
I know though that summer is also a time students ask themselves, ‘What can I be doing in the summer to help with my college application resume?’ As a college counselor, I certainly appreciate and respect this line of thinking. So, in providing an answer to this question, I’ll start by asking you a few questions.
What do you love doing? What brings you joy? What have you already been doing in terms of extracurricular activities? Do you want to engage in career exploration?
My preference is to always tap into the things you love, the things you are already doing, or the things you want to explore further as a starting point. Then, ask yourself these questions: “How can I enhance this activity? Can I take on more responsibility? Take it to the next level? Take it in a new direction? Is there someone or something that could benefit from my help in this area? Is there a class I could take? Could I seek a promotion? How can I be of service?
In my humble opinion, the more you enjoy something, the more likely you are to want to show up for that thing and the easier it will be. So, start there and take heart that you are enough!
Looking for more specific ideas? Okay, you’ve got it…